Monday, August 31, 2009


Yesterday I joined the TULI update group. I paid the 250l$ and got in... then I grabbed the lovely group gift and hugged it... then I went to the skins on sale and started drooling over the whole Hope series... Sighing, I was trying to drag myself out of the shop when I noticed the profile pics reward board... I added Tuli in my profile and when I woke up this morning the gift was gone... replaced by a new one... I went to the shop, clicked the board... then tried the skin on... That's when I fainted...

Quick opinion...

What about hunt coordinates? I don't give them because I am a lazy ass, not because I think there shouldn't be any cheat sheets. I personnally seldom hunt and always with a cheat sheet... Now when I read that, it just makes me want to scratch some eyes out...
I love Ding, I love her blog and the shoes she makes, and I wouldn't be a blogger if it weren't for her, and I am always amazed at how she finds great stuff all the time.
Now if you don't like it, nobody forces you to read it.

This is just my personnal opinion, not the one of the whole team.

Rosie / Yael

PS: those of you who want the coords for the poop hunt can IM me inworld (Rosemarie Indigo / Yael Haystack)

Poop poop pee doop...

Yesterday my friend Imm and I went hunting for... crap! The whole place, that is usually so pretty, is covered in poo and well, as Imm explained to her 12 year old daughter wondering why on earth 2 grown ups (or supposedly) would be picking up piles of poop, "somebody must have a twisted sense of humor". Anyway we did hunt and actually found some really very pretty things. Here are my favorites:

Things from the hunt:
Hair from Tiny Bird
Tatoo from Smudge
Clothes from Chikka Designs, Vanitas Vestures, Moonshine, Naith Smit Designs
Poses from LAP and Tiny Bird

Things that are not from the hunt:
Skin: Evana Skins (reopening soon) from an old MM
Faun stuff: Titania's Court
Eyes: Poetic Colors

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blessed Are The Sick

Hey hey im back again... and i have a most appropriate outfit to show u, it SO matches my mood :-P

Angel of Death

Oh my what an outfit to have handy for a spot of grim reaping yayz! Cyber armour woot! Look look it even comes with a uber gi-normous scythe weapon which is scripted with hud! OMG i so luv this outfit @.@

So who could have made this? - only Sick of course. Yes it is that time again - a new Sick hunt YAYZ! The hunt starts here at Sick.... at the tp landing point is the hunt poster with a pic of the objects ur hunting for and the prize outfit.

u are searching for 10 white masks with glowy red eyes, scattered around the sick, the sick2 and the sick3 sims. This hunt is different to previous Sick hunts - there is no hud to fill, no supercomputer at the end - u are just hunting for the 10 masks. Straight forward kinda hunt... as far as a Sick hunt can be straight forward LOL. Sick is of course massive, confusing, awesum, brilliant and infuriating all at once hehe... but u can see the hunt prize is well worth the trouble ^.~

Here is a close-up... see the hair? see the skin?

Death Scyther

The hair is a lucky board prize from Hair Oh for the Tigerclaw Renewal... it comes in two colours i think though so far iv only got this one... go fetch, this hair is soooo uber cute.

The skin is utterly brilliant... it is called Kitsune... and it is being sold in two skin tones for only 50L rite now by the amazing Aura Falta of Tacky Star, u probably know by now that Tacky Star has relocated to the Sound of Silence sim because Dead Town sim had to close. Here is ur new taxi to the new location of Tacky Star... im pretty sure there are some eyes on special there atm also.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I said I wasn't gonna, BUT!

I said that I was not going to blog the Mother Daughter Hunt because my new Treetops Spa has a couple of hearts out in the hunt. However, what's the point of having a blog if you can't take pictures of your friends and say silly things? Have a look at Miss Hempy of the Lucky Chair Stalkers lolling about with the Purely Kids Theo Bean Bag (with texture change awesomeness! can't beat that!). Hempy just moved right in at the Pre-Hunt Party for Bloggers and Awesome People. You can also get a glimpse of other hunt shiny pretty prizeness...there is the RazzBerry Inc. daughter prize play vanity, and yes...yes I believe those are awesome gowns from Evie's Closet and Little Ones Couture. I see you eyeing my ammmmazing 2 prim plant from Gumi's Flower Shop! You can get your own when the hunt starts on September 1st, just head on over to Another World and follow the trail of hearts! I would love to tell you about each and every wonderful prize, they are all so great, but my fingers would wear out telling you all the awesomeness. Instead, I will be adding links to blog postings about the hunt in a later blog. Oh, yeah...can someone please come and help me encourage Hempy to get up off my Theo chair? I want to take him home and love him and hug him and squeeze him and call him George! -*runs away giggling madly and looking for a place to hide from Hempy, who got her involved in this hunt to begin with!*-

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Forgive me... all that I can say... years gone by and still... words don't come easily, but forgive me...
Ah... Tracy Chapman, one of my favorites..

Aaaaaanyway, I know I haven't been around much but well, let's just say I had some issues to deal with, RL and SL crap sometimes mix up to make your life a living hell. So, I am back, I think, we'll see how things go...

I'm Yael, modelling for Rose again today and showing you the latest group gift from Silent Sparrow... Enrollment is free but group is closed when a gift is out, which means basically that if you are not already in the group, you missed that amazing unisex suit! What a shame!

If you are less than 30 days old, there is still hope for you, for the lovely Hyacynth Tiramisu (she's a faun like me!!!) gives away 2 outfits for you lucky noobs!!

Hair: Magika, Truth


Sunday, August 23, 2009

1l Skin Sale!!

Cybernetic Skins is holding a 1l sale so I ran and got this lovely skins, but a word of caution, deprim as much as possible because it's verrrry busy, I know lots will be there with a high ARC but be the considerate one and don't be like that!!!
Love Saff xxx

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Status Quome: Leafing Stuff Around

With sooo many hunts going on this summer, it's no surprise I overlooked the Fall Fun one till recently. I grabbed a friend, planning on going for it, but RL intervened so we decided to try again later today.

Here's 3 of the gifties we managed to pick up last night:

Leaf Dress on left: HopScotch, FFH #128 - also comes with silks option Dress on right: Steambound FFH #33 - this dress has a ton of mix/match options
Fall Scene Skybox: Michigan's Shack FFH #75 -has fountain on other end
Other stuff...
Hair on Quome: Calico Ingmann "Ariana" DSN gift
Shoes: Duh! Distressed Forest Cuffed Boot, 1L!
Skin: Cybernetic "Amy-Sunkissed 6" all skins 1L! (LM may drop you in the empty store above)
Hair on L: "Cassie-Cranky brown" $250L
Skin: Symphony "Alto-Phoenix" from UVogue Skin Fair
Shoes: M'z Tongari boots, group gift and now in the lucky chair

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hunts and new releases !

New releases !
The Allegra gowns are now available at the Sanctum ! If you didnt get a chance to grab them during the Allegra hunt, it is now time to do so !

And Tatiana is a delicious gown, and I am proud to model it with the brand new Mae !
*grins and hugs Rainy tightly for her patience and help*

About the hunts now !
Kouse's Sanctum hunt: Find a hidden vial in the store, touch it to receive a riddle to solve and a gift. If you solve the riddle, you will receive as a reward this special edtion of the Cyrenia gown .. So come on..if I found it.. you can as well !

Evie's Closet Hunt:
Join the group to get the info NC that will explain WAY better than what I can do at this time of the night lol.
Then hunt for the candies and receive the Saiyge gown in purple. If you are a blogger, this one was sent as a gift in the appreciation week.
*Thanks thank thanks again to all the designers who took part in it and spoilt us for simply letting everybody know about how talented they are*

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have a hope.. a MysticHope

Quick look at the actual lucky chair gifts, which are as usual gorgeous and elegant, feminine and attrative at once ! [Click the pictures for larger view]
Gildea Green Rose
Sindarin in White
Lady Terribly in Black
Balwarian Gown in Brown
And the camping chair prize .. Anfaela in Black
Do not forget these outfits are only from the Lady chairs, both camping and lucky chair. There is also one of each available for the gentlemen !
Have fun !

Blue Blood (late) news

Yes Yes i know, I'm horribly late to announce Bandit outfit releasing. It's a wonderful outfit, which just the right touch of masculinity to make you all ladies look even more feminine. This outfit has also a male version.. but ehm.. how to say... I'm not exactly fitting the male requirement ! ^-^
Also if you haven't gotten yet the Lirio dress, you better go and have luck on your side ! It's such an adorable and delicate outfit ! I got lucky enough to get them all from the board but purple was my favourite ! So hurry over Blue Blood now !

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ariel by Kouse

Each time I get to see new gowns by Kouse, I'm amazed. Ariel is the latest release, and the gorgeous skirts of Cyrenia were originally thought for this gown. I couldn't resist when I saw Kouse's notice but to run and get the Raindrop one.
Ariel is available in 5 colors: Raindrop (Blue) - Flora (Green) - Dusk (Red) - Aurora (Purple) and Ice (White)

All those gowns, with the exception of Ice have amazing textures with a major color and lighted up with a delicate different tint. As you can see in Raindrop, the deep blue is mixed with a touch of teal to make you enjoy each detail of your gown. I also love the work realised on the prims, specially with the roses on the belt, top and arm bands.

Well, this delight is definately worth the 300L, plus the new release offer applies "Buy one, Get one free". Just hope the first 20 editions aren't gone yet !

Also, the SeaBreeze location is now closed, you can then find the Ariel gowns at Vale store.

It's a kind of Magika...

And it's cheap, cheap, cheap!!! After releasing their new hair colors, Magika has just discounted 30 (THIRTY!) different hairstyles to only 10l$ a colorpack (old colors)... Here are some of what you can get:

Oh by the way, my name is Yael, I am a faun and I am Rosie's alter ego... See you again soon!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Drumrolls for ...

KC Fashions !

It's been a long time I want to do this post, and I apologise for holding those fashions pearls.. But here there are now ! Why do i love so much KC Fashions ? Because Kittrannia Cassini, the great lady behind the creations thinks about every single details you have ever thought of.

About 90% if not more of her outfits are made to be worn in several ways and for all sorts of occasions *grins*.

First picture: Omen. As you can, there are already 4 styles with just one outfit, from lingerie, silks look to the fighter style, and not forgetting the casual lady drow look with the long skirt. Omen has always been one of my favourites from KC, for it's lace and black, and mixes elegance and seduction perfectly.
Note: The Lost Souls Boots are also from KC Fashions. Available in plenty of colors ^-^

Second Picture: Imogen. Imogen shows off a totally different style compared to Omen. When Omen draws a picture of a more delicate lady, sensual and mysterious, Imogen seems to me more a determinated lady. She is self-confident, she is attractive and she does bite as well. Also offering matching lingerie, you can pick between three different skirts: Short and lacy, Long and mixing lace and leather, or Half Skirt for more freedom.
Third picture: Anouchca (3 pictures on the left) and Spawn (Picture on the right). Anouchca is a wonderfull work for me, and the touches of gold and brown work perfectly with the outfit. It has a lots of style possibilities and also two different sort of underwears. Honestly, no women in SL can complain about the quality of KC creations. Spawn has only two styles, with sheer and normal jacket and pants, including that you can also wear it with or without the center skirt. Plus the arm cuffs are .. mhm .. lovely even if they're pointy.
Fourth picture: Night Shadow. Did I mention some of the outfits also come with boots and accessories? Night Shadow does come with the boots, and it's one great outfit for a sharp and sexy look.
Fifth picture: Viper (pictures on left and right) - Hybrid Black and Purple (middle one). Viper is... mhhhm how to say... captivating. Another outfit with tons of looks and it is surely a very attractive one. As a drow RPer, those outfits are a real delight. I don't want to lose any of my feminity, even being a drow, so not someone you expect to be wearing fluffy and bright colored clothes. And KC manages to make drow ladies be beautiful and look dangerous (as all good Drow should) at once.
Let's end this post with a sixth outfit but certainly not the less interesting.
Selene. Selene is gorgeous. I'm not sure if it's been inspired by the Selene of the Underworld movie but it reminds me of it. Once again, it's a subtle mix of gothic, darkness, seduction and feminity. We can say something is black, but there is black and black.. And before you lose the thread of what I mean... I mean the textures are wonderful. It's a deep satin black and it flatters really well the whole outfit. It comes with the necklace and the boots, and it has endless style possibilities.
So I guess you figured by now, you do need to go shopping. The qualities of the work done here is worth each lindens you'll be spending there, and those are outfits you'll be enjoying your whole SL. I have some of mine for about two years now, and I don't think they look a little bit old fashionned ^-^.
Enjoy.. xoxo Sua

Monday, August 10, 2009

Having a Grey Day...for a good cause!

September 18th, mark your calendars now. On September 18th, in honor of Sanura Snowpaw of *Dreams* cousin, and all those fighting this disease, please wear your grey. I'll be wearing mine in memory of a very dear friend who past away a year ago last November of this disease. Please don't feel sad for my friend and I, my friend embodied the song "Live Like You Were Dying", even before he found out he was ill. He took me along on some of those adventures over the years...sailing, rock climbing, picnics in the park where we climbed all over the monkey bars and had contests to see who could swing the highest (and foo on those kids who looked at us...thirty...somethings...for hogging their swings -*trains off with a chuckle*-). So wear your grey and celebrate with me!

Some very special designers will be donating a few of their creations, I'll get you more information on that later. Meanwhile, for more information, click these.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Live your dreams !

*wakes up and brushes quickly her hair* Ooops sorry, I think somehow .. I fell asleep while dreaming upon all those pretty things. Like Collette, latest Simply Fae's release.. yet another great piece of fashion by Boaz ^-^
And as I watch all those talented designers releasing stunning creations and improving their skills to a new form of art, I felt like listening to delicate music. That's where a harp becomes handy isn't it... and I wish I would have such a beautiful (and also that I would be able to play with it) in RL. This beauty is from Studio Sidhe, the wonderful store which was organising the Moon photocontest with Evie's Closet and it is actually the "Thank you" gift for taking part in it... Moon.. moon yes.. just like the one in the top picture. Also from Studio Sidhe and with 4 poses included in it. So romantic. To finish commenting my second picture though, the dress I'm wearing is Daphne from Simply Fae, and it's the Black Pearl Hunt gift to be found at Avilion Vale. Follow the red crosses.
Ah and oh.. Did you like the moon ? Because Studio Sidhe is a really wonderful place, with many poses and props to check out (and buy !) and... good news if your purse is still shivering from holidays, the prices are most reasonnable. Plus if you go at the moment, you'll be able to get the Slice of Summer hunt gift, an adorable couple pose.
And, do me a favour, let the talented mind behing Studio Sidhe know that you love her, so send Faery Sola IMs and NCs till her mailbox explodes.
Mean me ? Nope. Actually Faery feels neglected for her SL never get capped, and with my kind heart I offered to help her out with this.
[ Look What The Cat Brought declines all responsabilities should Faery pulls her hair out after receiving the dreaded message "Too many instant messages. Delivery capped"]
Let's now have a look at new Blue Blood release... Virtue.
If there is a way to catch gothic lolita essence in clothing, I think Ghanima found it. Due to some curves in RL, I am kinda.. ehm picky about big skirts in SL. Like extremely picky. I hate when that ends up making my behind looks like a train station *but* Virtue does not.
Virtue has a big skirt that makes you look breathtaking. It gives for me this picture of the elegant Duchesses or Marquises you can see in some movies, those ladies that, whatever they wear always catch everybody's attention. To get in 5 colors, Virtue is an absolute must-have. Rust is the group color only.

Surprise ... surprise

What ? A Gift will you tell me ? Well, yes. But not one, nor two but three gifts generously offered by Kouse Singh. As her subscribo group (yes yes, she has now one !) reached 500, a small hunt is organised and you shall find those gift boxes in each of her three store locations; Vale, SeaBreeze and Vanity Fayre! Find the boxes and buy them for 50L each.. but let's now look at the gifts themselves!

And yes, it's nothing less but special editions of the latest release, Cyrenia !
In Midnight, with the elegant silver trim... you'll note the cute shoes come in the package which is awesome isn't it ! To wear in two style, short skirt for a cute doll look, or long one for the stunning lady look.
In Ruby, for a more .. passionate evening ...
Note the amazing prim work realised. The long skirt is worked almost like a train and the layers of skirt just move perfectly all together. The gold trim also adds to the precious appearance of the dress.. just like the circlet with the veil ! The roses adorning the belt as well are impressive, for they're beautiful and so feminine. Just enough of them to underline your waist ladies, and make you become the most delicate flower of the garden.
And last but not the least of the special editions... The Cyrenia in Snow. It is... wow. Yes I know wow isn't considered as an adjective, but I lack of vocabulary to describe how beautiful this edition is. And it does have not one but two skirts style; the same one as the other colors, and one "slimmer" style but just as beautiful. That makes me seriously regrets Cyrenia wasn't released a few months ago...
Well I advice you to hurry to do this hunt. No date is "officially" set for its end, but I guess it'll gone on August 11th the latest for the Seabreeze location will be closed at this date.
And if you fell in love with Cyrenia but would enjoy it in another color, make sure to check them out while doing the hunt. The textures are simply impressive and it's available in pastel and dark shades!
Oh and yes.. I've mentionned Kouse's subscribo group... Did I mention the Boley Girl gown comes as a joining gift ? *wiggles a brow*

Oh and Do NOT forget to enter Kouse's Sanctum picture contest before August 20th !!!!


And I DO celebrate, a lot... and sleep, and eat fish and melon, and have fun, lay on the beach and sleep some more...Oh yes, I love my holidays... But I just had to take a break from all this to show you the latest gorgeousness from Evie's Closet... The dress is called Jinx, it comes with 2 different skirts (a long ballgown and an empire / babydoll short skirt), 2 different pairs of gloves. Each color is sold for 400l$ only and the fatpack is available for 1500l$

Hair, left to right: 69, Magika, the Stringer Mausoleum

Hair, left to right: the Stringer Mausoleum, 69

*rushes out and goes dancing in RL*

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Status Quome: Nomine-ted!

There was a mad rush on the new chairs at Nomine last night! I was getting tp'd back and forth between there and Blue Blood. It was a fun night to be a Q in demand! Yay!

Here's some of the goodies from Nomine. I heard there were like 9 new items and I think I got 5 or 6 of them including the Fortune Teller prize.


Gypsy Venetia- I thought this was pink like the picture instore, but it's pretty nice anyway! Check out the detail.

Sheet Set, both colors and skirt lengths included! The long skirt shows more skin, lol.

Sharn (L). Bone-Tie shirt (R) comes with transparent, opaque, and with/without tie. Brown cords come in 3 waist lengths.

Other stuff:
ALL skins Dulce Secrets DSN gift fatpack
Pic 1- jewelry from Chuculet, hair from Roge (1L, 3-color change), shoes Sole Sisters
Pic 2- shoes PixelMode "Kavika" and necklace from Donna Flora (former gift)
Pic 3-hair Bewitched, shoes Coriander DSN gift
Pic 4-shoes (L) PixelMode (R) DUH! colorchange sneakers (1L), red updo from Roge lucky board