Oooooh i got some nice stuff for u today ^.^
Do u know about Ruru@Pino? The most amazing japanese shop full of glowy jewel-like clothes and accessories. And with a stunning rose garden where i went mad with a camera today hehe...
AND two lucky chairs YAYZ!
From one
lucky chair at Ruru@Pino i got this most beautiful lolita dress, the workmanship is so lovely, its the MAZE dress. U will feel like a junior princess in this dress, i sure do! SO AWESUM *dies*:
From the other
lucky chair at Ruru@Pino u can get this uber-faery words-fail-me-its-so-awesum set of wings, mini head-wings, rose headpiece and rose choker, the Monarch set, IT IS SO AWESUM IM DYING OF CUTENESS HERE:
These wings have an amazing rose wreath at the back, and they do this little flutter and release a cascade of cute little green leaves... awwwww.... bless...... *dies of cuteness*
And im wearing a mega cute glowy butterfly bracelet, this is also from
Ruru@Pino *here*, its a shop opening giftie though its now 10L since the shop has been open a while, totes gorgeous any time u wanna do white and innocent:
If im too cute for too long i get seasick. So i gess u have noticed my totally amazing dark-fae grunge skin which grounds my outfit back into some kind of proper goth credibility (to keep Alecks happy):
This uber-awesum skin is the latest
Red Queen group gift, the Envy skin. U should join that group and get it now it is also to die for lol *dies of awesumness*.
And. See the white crystal flower necklace? It's free also at Ruru@Pino, group giftie i think, find it
*here* along with some other freebies and cheapies.
Then there is the ZERO linden PA*N*DA dress that is a giftie at the same spot at
Ruru@Pino with a real carnivale feel its so cute *dies....* nah i won't say it u get the idea lol:
And this skin? Yeh i know its also to die for. Its one of my all time favie skins, the Feline skin from the late lamented Fleur skin emporium par excellence that is no more (though happily it has metamorphosed into the equally awesum 5th & Oxford). So, u can't get it any more i think. Maybe there is still an outlet shop for Fleur somewhere round?
i've died so many times during this post of cuteness and awesumness that its amazing i can still type my closing sentence really ^.~
But that's wot i'm gonna do... so bid u farewell and enjoy ^.^
(pssst! Don't miss the pose ball camp for a mystery item in the rose garden at Ruru@Pino! A mystery for u to solve since i haven't unpacked it yet ^.^ )